James Paget University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Key drivers
This Trust is in a very challenging geographic location which has historically made it difficult to recruit the necessary volume/quality of candidates. This is further compounded by the NHS Improvement (NHSI) Agency Rules meaning that the Trust required a full remodel of the Medical Locum management process.
We successfully proposed a Master Vendor contract for the supply of Medical Locums through the creation of cost saving initiatives as well as the reduction and ultimate elimination of off-framework agencies. Assisting James Paget in the fulfilment of the rules and guidelines proposed by the NHSI Agency Rules was also crucial in the implementation and management of the agreement. Due to the success of our nursing Master Vendor in fulfilling these criteria we were consequently awarded the Master Vendor contact for Medical Locums.
Throughout the implementation and management of the Master Vendor contract, key factors for consideration were the creation of tangible cost savings, time saving and the eradication of off-framework usage.
We proposed and implemented the following in collaboration with James Paget:
- Standardised rate card in line with NHSI April Cap Rates
- Standardised agency commission
- Centralisation of the booking process
- Centralisation of the financial process
- Secondary supplier management
In addition to the above we would be able to assist James Paget in regards to NHSI reporting. Due to the centralisation of the booking process we are able to collate required information when approved use of escalations is authorised.
Since the implementation of the Master Vendor we have completely eradicated the use of off-framework agencies for medical locums. Any staff which the Trust identified to be protected who were working through off-framework agencies were notified of the Master Vendor contract and offered a variety of solutions to ensure they could remain at the Trust.
The centralisation of the booking and finance process created time and cost savings from an increase in process efficiency. They are provided with a consolidated invoice creating time savings as there are fewer invoices to process. Via the management of the booking process we are able to ensure a high quality level of compliance for the agency workers supplied. The dedicated Account Manager has regular visits providing on-site support for process and booking management.