Doctors Appraisals

What is an Appraisal?
Appraisal is an important part of a doctor's continuing professional development, as it allows a doctor to reflect on their current performance and progress and to set goals for their future development. Through annual appraisals, doctors demonstrate that they are continuing to meet the principles and values set out in the GMC guidance “Good Medical Practice” and it is, furthermore, a process through which the appraisee can raise and discuss issues of concern regarding the quality of their clinical work.
Every doctor is responsible for ensuring that they are appraised annually on their whole practice, which means the doctor should include all roles (i.e. managerial, academic and educational and research roles) in which they have clinical responsibilities, including private practice and voluntary organisations.
What is required for an appraisal?
Supporting information is used to demonstrate that you are continuing to meet the principles and values set out Practice. There are 6 types of supporting information you will be asked to provide and discuss at your annual appraisal:
- Evidence of Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
- Quality improvement activity
- Reviews of Significant Events
- Feedback from colleagues
- Feedback from patients (where applicable)
- Review of complaints and compliments
The nature of the supporting information will differ from specialty to specialty and should reflect your particular specialist practice and your other professional roles. If you are uncertain of what to include please contact our specialist revalidation team who will be able to offer further guidance on this.
For more information please contact the Revalidation team on 01908 545 875.